"Transformation Empowerment"
“Walking together in faith,
with hope, on this journey
for healing transformation.”
Coaching with Rhonda Cowan
Meet Rhonda
Certified Health Coach & Transformation Strategist
My Transformational Healing Journey
In August 2016, I experienced a significant health event that forever changed my life. I truly believe "EVERY DAY IS A GIFT FROM GOD WORTH CELEBRATING. Unable to perform in a career and industry that I had been successful in for almost 30 years. My brain no longer worked the way it did before. So, I decided to take control of my healing journey to obtain more self-care and wellness knowledge. First, I got my cannabis certification to learn about the natural benefits of relieving pain from CBD. I also completed my health coach certification to learn more about how food is medicine.

Transform B.Y. Trauma “You’ll Never Be the Same” Rhonda C.

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness. It is a dynamic process of change and growth – “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." UC Davis
Transform B.Y. Trauma (T B.Y.T) was my vision for the Wellness of Me (WOM). The WOM pathway led me to obtain a cannabis and health coach certification – a new calling for a new season with a new purpose and assignment. Through transformation empowerment coaching, I will coach, facilitate support for healing circles, and provide educational opportunities and awareness of resources to women who have been impacted by health trauma.
Philippians 4:13 - AMP - "I can do all things
[which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me"
“Resilience is in the journey.”
Rhonda C.
My goal is for women to experience transformational empowerment while finding passion, purpose, and prosperity in embracing her new self after a health crisis. As your Transformation Health Coach, we will identify your strengths in four T B.Y.T stages.
Personalized Transformation Plan

Brave YOU
Moving Every
Step Forward

Better YOU
Rediscovery Process & Purpose Clarity
Best YOU
Reimagined Living
Brighter YOU
Renewed and Restored
The Healthy Feed