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ClusterWele Challenge

  • 2 Steps


Learn more about the DIY, self-paced ClusterWele Challenge! Specifically designed for those with cluster headaches, the ClusterWele Challenge Workbook guides you in developing a detailed wellness prevention and treatment strategy plan to discuss with your neurologist and support team. This workbook provides step-by-step instructions to help you create a personalized wellness plan, including a bonus worksheet for tracking your wellness budget with money-saving tips. Additionally, purchasing the ClusterWele Challenge grants you access to our private community. This safe space allows you to share experiences, connect with fellow cluster headache sufferers, enhance family support, manage wellness budgets, and collaborate with community members for improved accountability. Don't miss this chance to better manage your condition and connect with a supportive community. Join now to take a proactive step towards a better managed ClusterWele lifestyle!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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